Funny Football Stories

News and Pictures about funny football stories

funny football stories - Football Forum - NFL, CFL & College

funny football stories - Football Forum - NFL, CFL & College

anyone got any? i'll start with a few average ones. Our LT got MVP for one game, having played the whole way through with his pads on backwards and

Funny Football stories. (Soccer) - Will and Guy's Funny Clean

Funny Football stories. (Soccer) - Will and Guy's Funny Clean

Funny Football stories. (Soccer) How would you diagnose a patient who walks back and forth screaming at the top of his lungs one minute, then sits in a chair weeping

Funny Football Jokes and Stories at The Comedy Zone

Funny Football Jokes and Stories at The Comedy Zone

Funny Sports Jokes and Humorous Sporting Stories with hilarious football jokes, baseball stories, golf jokes and funny sports one liners, just plain stupid and really

Best Funny Short Stories. Funny Story About Football ~ The

Best Funny Short Stories. Funny Story About Football ~ The

Best Funny Short Stories. Funny Story About Football ~ The Football Fan. Laugh a Lot. Enjoy Yourself. Come Now. A guy from town dies and is sent to

Will and Guy's football jokes, funny stories and amusing pictures

Will and Guy's football jokes, funny stories and amusing pictures

Will and Guy's football jokes, funny stories and amusing pictures, 'Apart from their goals, Norway haven't scored' - Terry Venables

Premiership footy (football/soccer) jokes and stories

Premiership footy (football/soccer) jokes and stories

If you are the webmaster or a writer for a satire or funny news site, get your stories featured on Laughsend! Details here

THE FUNNY SIDE OF COLLEGE SPORTS - College Athletic Scholarships

THE FUNNY SIDE OF COLLEGE SPORTS - College Athletic Scholarships


Funny Sports Jokes and Humorous Sporting Stories

Funny Sports Jokes and Humorous Sporting Stories

Funny Sports Jokes and Humorous Sporting Stories with hilarious football jokes, baseball stories, golf jokes and funny sports one liners, just plain stupid and really

The Spoof : Football (American) funny stories

The Spoof : Football (American) funny stories

Funny satire stories about Football (American) The NFL announced a whole set of rule changes today which they hope will garner more interest and revenue by

Britain's funniest footballer? Funny football story - you decide

Britain's funniest footballer? Funny football story - you decide

Restore your faith in football and footballers! Marc Bircham is a former QPR, Millwall and Yeovil soccer player. He's certainly not John Terry. He is in

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