Funny Football Banter

News and Pictures about funny football banter

Jokes and some casual banter, no string attached! - Football

Jokes and some casual banter, no string attached! - Football

Jokes And Some Casual Banter, No String Attached! Out pops a genie who says "I am the football genie. about debt Barca is so full in debt it isn't even funny

Some Man United v Liverpool jokes for your amusement/annoyance

Some Man United v Liverpool jokes for your amusement/annoyance

Come on guys play fairly, this is a football banter blog not a forum for abuse. If you’ve got valid points by all means make them, and if your ribbing is funny and

The 5 Best Football Cliches | Football Banter

The 5 Best Football Cliches | Football Banter

The 5 Best Football Cliches » Real football banter from real football fans. Opinions, news, updates, videos and plenty of banter!

Funny stuff we found on the internet Archives - Football Banter

Funny stuff we found on the internet Archives - Football Banter

Where's Boris Johnson when you need someone to come up with a booming rugby tackle on the football pitch?! On Sunday this cheeky chappy finds himself on the hallowed

Funny | Football Banter

Funny | Football Banter

Funny » Real football banter from real football fans. Opinions, news, updates, videos and plenty of banter!

Funny football videos and fails - Zamalek's Ahmed Gaafar misses

Funny football videos and fails - Zamalek's Ahmed Gaafar misses

Presenting quality football videos from the interweb, daily at pm. Here's today's hat-trick

Funny Chants and Quotes

Funny Chants and Quotes

hey guys i found some funny chnats BBC SPORT | Fun FM Needs! > Forum > FMFormation Extra Time > General Banter > Funny remembered somewhere was written funny football names

English Football Banter: Latest Football News, Quotes, Chat

English Football Banter: Latest Football News, Quotes, Chat

I'm sure you will agree these are some funny jokes for Man City fans that derby jokes you may have right here at EFB - but please keep your football banter

Football chants and banter from the terraces

Football chants and banter from the terraces

Football chants and banter from the terraces "I relax when I play football computer games. I have fun playing as Henry and shooting

Funny football videos and fails Watch the world's longest ever

Funny football videos and fails Watch the world's longest ever

Presenting quality football videos from the interweb, daily at 3pm. Here's today's hat-trick. 1) If you wanna be a record breaker, sung the late Roy Castle, then

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