Funny Football Goals And Misses

News and Pictures about funny football goals and misses

Worst Goal Misses in Football History - Open Goals Missed - Video

Worst Goal Misses in Football History - Open Goals Missed - Video

These are the worst goal misses in football history. Open goal, shot, miss its football not soccer. funny vid..sum funny S**t !!!! By boltondinho

Easy Soccer Goal Miss Free Soccer Videos - Funny Videos

Easy Soccer Goal Miss Free Soccer Videos - Funny Videos

A soccer player gets past the goalie and it looks like he is set up to make the easiest goal in the world. Then something goes wrong and he misses the easiest goal in

Funny Football - Miss Goal - Video - Metacafe - Online Video

Funny Football - Miss Goal - Video - Metacafe - Online Video soccer practice soccer winning tips FIFA soccer soccer schedule soccer website

Football news - videos & clips of bloopers & golazos - 101GG

Football news - videos & clips of bloopers & golazos - 101GG

Football videos, clips & footage of funny soccer clips, great goals you won't have seen, interviews, injuries, crazy misses, golazos & wonder saves.

Funny football videos and fails - Zamalek's Ahmed Gaafar misses

Funny football videos and fails - Zamalek's Ahmed Gaafar misses

Kai Rooney spurns open goal! Plus horror miss, scorer kicked in face during celebration and the worst kick-off ever

Misses | Soccer Highlights | Football Videos | Soccer Clips

Misses | Soccer Highlights | Football Videos | Soccer Clips

Latest Soccer Goals from around the world. Witness the World's worst goal misses of all time. Enjoy the lighter side of Football.

Funny Soccer Video: Missed Goal

Funny Soccer Video: Missed Goal

Watch this funny soccer video of a missed goal. How did this soccer player miss this goal? We're not sure, but sometimes you just have to laugh at yourself and

Top 20 soccer (football) misses - YouTube

Top 20 soccer (football) misses - YouTube

Top 20 soccer misses 3:54 Watch Later Error funny soccer fails by 6:18 Watch Later Error Top 20 long shot goals

Funny football own goals - YouTube

Funny football own goals - YouTube

own goals in football and some are The Worst Goal Keeper In Soccer! by Mozqu 2,038,660 views; 4:11 Watch Later Error Top 10 Funny misses by Ryansoccerrox

Worst Football Miss Ever! ~ Funny Football Stuff

Worst Football Miss Ever! ~ Funny Football Stuff

Funny video of surely the worst football miss ever in an international football match! It is harder to miss than to score this goal. Defending champions Qatar crash

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